Sunday Worship – 15 January 2023

Welcome to our service on the second Sunday of Epiphany

The order of service is below, and our service will be live streamed at 11:30am and uploaded to YouTube later.

Welcome and Intimations
Call to Worship (Please join in the words written in bold).

Sisters and brothers, we are called to follow Jesus.
What a challenge! What an opportunity!
Come and see, Jesus is the Lamb of God!
We come to see for ourselves who this Jesus person is.
Come and see, Jesus takes away the sin of the world!
We come with open hearts to experience Jesus
Come and see, Jesus shows the way to God!
We come to follow the Jesus Way of Living
Come and see, Jesus is God’s chosen One!
We come to deepen our relationship with God.
Are you coming? Are you coming?
Yes, we come to worship our God.

MP 990 – I will offer up my life in spirit and truth
Dedication of Offering
All Ages Talk
MP 673 – There is a Redeemer
Prayer of Approach and Confession ending with The Lord’s Prayer
Bible Readings:
· Isaiah 49:1-7
· St. John 1:29-42
MP 396 – Just as I am, without one plea
Instrumental Music – By the organist.
Prayer of Thanksgiving and Intercession
MP 857 – I, the Lord of sea and sky