Sunday Worship – 31 December 2023

The First Sunday After Christmas

Welcome to our Sunday Worship – our service will be led by Rev Edson Duque and livestreamed on our Facebook at 11:30 prior to being uploaded to YouTube. 

Welcome and Intimations
Call to Worship
(Please join in the words written in brackets).

When Jesus is born to Mary and Joseph,
(God is there.)
When Jesus is presented at the temple,
(God is there.)
When Simeon holds Jesus in his arms,
(God is there.)
When Anna recognizes Jesus in the temple,
(God is there.)
This very morning,
(God is here.)
In the future we cannot see,
(God is there.)

MP 35Angels from the realms of glory
Dedication of Offering
All Ages Talk
Prayer of Approach and Confession ending with the Lord’s Prayer
MP 451 – Love came down at Christmas
Bible Readings:
Isaiah 61:10-62:3
St Luke 2:22-40
CH4 332 – When Mary brought her treasure
MP 714  – Unto us a boy is born! (please exclude the verse 4)
Prayer of Thanksgiving and Intercession
MP 796 – You shall go out with joy